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Concrete & Cement Casting, Stamping & Production (5051-CS)

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Concrete & Cement Casting, Stamping & Production (5051-cs)

Concrete & Cement Casting, Stamping & Production (5051-CS)

— Companies in this industry manufacture cement, ready-mix concrete, and concrete products such as blocks, pipes, bricks, walls, and girders. Major companies include Ash Grove Cement Company, Martin Marietta Materials, US Concrete, and Vulcan Materials (all based in the US), as well as Anhui Conch (China), Cemex (Mexico), CRH (Ireland), HeidelbergCement (Germany), and LafargeHolcim (Switzerland). This industry also includes companies that pour and finish concrete foundations; erect and assemble precast concrete; and set stones, lay bricks and perform other masonry work. Major jobs for concrete and masonry contractors include foundations and walls for residential and commercial building projects, as well as for infrastructure such as driveways and parking areas, highways, streets, sidewalks, bridges, tunnels, and sewers. Smaller projects include poured concrete countertops and special forms.

This channel also includes the production and paving of asphalt streets and other surfaces.

Concrete & Cement Casting, Stamping & Production (5051-CS) ... our Products

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