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Environmental Monitoring & Remediation (8744-EM)

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Environmental Monitoring & Remediation (8744-em)

Overview of Environmental Monitoring & Remediation (8744-EM)

— Environmental remediation is the removal of pollution or contaminants from water (both ground water and surface water) and soil. These waste products are removed for the protection of human health, as well as to restore the environment. Remediation restores brownfield sites either for redevelopment or to return them to their natural state. Sites that have been used to dispose of hazardous waste present a unique challenge to clean up. Environmental remediation is highly regulated and subject to an array of legal requirements, which are generally based on assessments of human health and environmental risks. Environmental remediation is carried out on various environmental media, including soil, sediment, groundwater, and surface water. This article classifies remediation according to whether it is done on water or soil. Water remediation includes both groundwater and surface water, whereas soil remediation includes topsoil, subsoil, and sediment. Soil and water remediation may be conducted separately or together, depending on the type and extent of the pollution. Environmental remediation methods include; Site assessment and mapping, Excavation and dredging, Pump and treat, Solidification and stabilization, Oxidation, Soil vapor extraction, and Bioremediation.

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