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OVERVIEW of Fiberfrax-Duraboard

Fiberfrax® Duraboard® products are a family of rigid, high temperature ceramic fiber boards manufactured in a wet forming process using Fiberfrax alumina-silica fibers and binders. All Duraboard products offer low thermal conductivity, high temperature stability, uniform density, and excellent resistance to thermal shock and chemical attack.

They are also well-suited for applications experiencing vibration, mechanical stress and strong erosive forces. The excellent rigidity and modulus of rupture possessed by these boards makes them strong and self-supporting, yet relatively lightweight and easy to cut or machine.

FEATURES AND BENEFITS of Fiberfrax-Duraboard

2300°F Rated Grades:
  • 14-24 - A rolled, rigidized surface finish and high MOR give a tough, economic refractory grade product.
  • 16-20 - A higher quality surface finish and tighter dimensional tolerances make this board suitable for use in situations where aesthetic quality, as well as performance, is important.
  • 23-27 - The addition of clay gives a higher density, MOR, and strength.
  • 18-21 - Unique family of highly machinable lightweight boards manufactured with three to four times the green strength as standard board products.
    2600°F Rated Grades:
  • 10-14 - Formed from a special blend of regular Fiberfrax alumina-silica fibers and Fibermax® Mullite fibers. These boards give high stability at temperatures up to 2450°F and 1343°F.
    3000°F Rated Grades:
  • 9-12 - Formed from a special blend of regular Fiberfrax alumina silica fibers and Fibermax Mullite fibers. These boards give high stability at temperatures up to 2700°F and 1482°F.
  • Fiberfrax-duraboard
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