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Home Improvement Stores & Products (3088-HI)

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Home Improvement Stores & Products (3088-hi)

Overview of Home Improvement Stores & Products (3088-HI)

— Home Improvement Stores & Products - Professional Plastics offers a wide variety of plastic materials used to produce an endless variety of home improvement products. Our materials are used by hundreds of manufacturers to create windows, doors, molding, trim, blinds, countertops, cabinetry and more. We also offer plastic materials, tools, and accessories that contractors might otherwise try to source a local home improvement store. As a wholesale supplier, these items may be purchased more economically online from Professional Plastics. We also offer products they simply aren't available from retail home improvement retailers. We offer dozens of grades of acrylic, polycarbonate, PVC and Polyethylene, each suited to a specific application. We also provide precision cut-to-size services for your convenience. Professional Plastics supplies Plastic Sheets, Rods, Tubing, Hose, Film, Cleaners, Polishes, and Adhesives, as well as; Drill Bits, Router Bits, and Edge Scrapers that are specifically designed to work well on plastic materials. We also offer a variety of glazing (window) and lighting products used for LED light diffusion and decorative purposes.

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