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Kapton® Tape (Silicone Adhesive)

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OVERVIEW of Kapton® Tape (Silicone Adhesive)

Kapton® Tape (Silicone Adhesive) is a film, tough, thin, designed for high temperature applications; used on coils, capacitors with temperature rating 220°C application.

DuPont Kapton polyimide film can remain stable in a wide range of temperatures, from -273 °C to +400 °C (0 K - 673 K). Kapton is used in, among other things, flexible printed circuits (flexible electronics) and Thermal Micrometeoroid Garments, the outside layer of space suits. Kapton is also commonly used as a material for windows of all kinds at x-ray sources (synchrotron beam-lines and x-ray tubes) and x-ray detectors. Its high mechanical and thermal stability as well as its high transmittance to x-rays make it the preferred material. It also does not suffer from radiation damage. Another prominent material for these purposes is beryllium.

The thermal conductivity of Kapton in temperatures from 0.5 to 5 kelvin is rather high. This together with its good dielectric qualities and its availability as thin sheets have made it a favorite material in cryogenics (devices working in temperatures down to absolute zero, -273 °C or 0 K).

Kapton is also regularly used as an insulator in ultra-high vacuum environments as it has a low outgassing rate.

FEATURES AND BENEFITS of Kapton® Tape (Silicone Adhesive)

Features of Kapton® Tape (Silicone Adhesive):
  • Designed for high temperature applications; used on coils, capacitors.
  • Temperature rating 220°C application
  • High mechanical and thermal stability
  • High transmittance to x-rays
  • Kapton® Tape (silicone Adhesive)
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