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Noxtat SD Polycarbonate Sheet

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OVERVIEW of Noxtat SD Polycarbonate Sheet

Noxtat SD polycarbonate sheets are coated with a transparent metal/plastic material that will permanently prevent formation of static electricity on the surface.

Available in Two Types:
  • Noxtat SDG - Non Bendable Polycarbonate with Static Dissipative Coating- Excellent Abrasion Resistance.
  • Noxtat SDB Static Dissipative Coating- Bendable To A Soft Radii - Abrasion Resistant.

    The surface has excellent mar and abrasion resistance. Resistance to charge generation, and superior static decay characteristics and cannot be tribocharged. The product displays excellent control of both electrostatic discharge (ESD) and particulate attraction. Permanent characteristics are not affected by humidity

    NOXTAT SD polycarbonate plastic is a sound choice for manufacturing applications where effects of ESD could cause rejects or hidden latent damage to sensitive electronic devices. This product is widely used in the semi-conductor, electronic and micro-manufacturing industries. Noxtat is also used in other industrial applications such as screen assembly, packaging, explosive environments where static discharge must be prevented and applications where sensitive process instrumentation and equipment must be protected from static charge. Typical Parts Made from Noxtat SD: - ESd Covers, Guards, Access Panels, Machine Windows and Doors, Static Control Shields, Glove Boxes, Electronic Equipment, Process Instrumentation, Conveyor Line Covers, Clean Room Windows and Doors, Partitions, and Pass-Through Modules.

    The polycarbonate sheet may be fabricated into a wide variety of shapes using the equipment used for uncoated sheet products. The product is not suitable, however, for most heat-formed configurations because the hard cross-linked polymer surface is not designed for heat bending. NOXTAT SDB™ has been designed for heat bending. When gluing it is necessary to mechanically remove the coating surface to insure a good bond. More information about fabrication is provided in a Technical Information Bulletin.

    Product Availability:
    NOXTAT SD Polycarbonate is available in clear, transparent gray, and transparent bronze colors. Tints for UV filtering and other light filtering are available by special order for applications where some wavelengths may interfere with processing operations.

    Polycarbonate coated with static dissipative NOXTAT SDG will perform on the pencil hardness scale at 2B, clearly the hardest coating available today.

    Solvent Resistance
    Solvent resistance of the test surfaces was determined using ASTM D 1308 (3.3.3 Spot Test, Covered). The solvent was placed on the substrate surface and immediately covered with a watch glass. Solvents were repeatedly applied to keep them in contact with the surface. Tests were conducted at 77° F (25° C). The surface was examined at intervals of 1,4,8 and 16 hours for signs of attack such as blistering, peeling, or discoloration. The test was terminated at 16 hours. The table indicates the time at which the visual attack of the surface becomes evident.

    Noxtat Stain Resistance
    Stain resistance of the test surfaces was determined using ASTM D 1308 (3.3.3 Spot Test, Covered). The stain was applied to the substrate surface (a saturated one inch piece of tissue paper was used for the liquid stains) and immediately covered with a watch glass. The test was conducted at 122° F (50° C). The stain was allowed to remain in contact with the surface for 16 hours. At the end of this period excess stain was removed with dry tissue. The degree of staining was observed and recorded based on a scale of 0 to 5 where 0 represents no staining and 5 represents severe staining.
  • FEATURES AND BENEFITS of Noxtat SD Polycarbonate Sheet

    Features and Benefits of Noxtat SD Sheets
  • Electrostatic decay less than 0.05 seconds per Federal Test Standard 101C, Method 4046-1 - Static decay is only 25% of the standards 2-second maximum. Indicates that product performance will meet or exceed all generally accepted industry specifications.
  • Standard Surface Resistivity of 106 to 108 ohms per square plus optional availability of a greater range if needed. - Assures ESD control in a wide range of applications without the need for ionization.
  • Permanent Static Dissipation Performance - Save high costs of periodic application of temporary topical anti-static coatings.
  • Static Charge Control Not Affected by Humidity - Reduces costs of humidification - and costs of damage if the humidifier system fails.
  • Uniform Surface Treatment - No conductive discontinuities, typical in topical anti-static treatments or inferior sheet products that may cause charged "hot spots".
  • Superior Impact Resistance - Minimizes damage from handling and physical abuse.
  • Excellent Optical Properties - Excellent clarity for see through applications.
  • Tough Abrasion Resistant Surface - The coated surface is harder than the base plastic while protecting the sheet surface.
  • Powerful Chemical Resistance - Reduces surface damage from solvents and other chemicals.
  • Extremely Rigid Even Under Heat - High thermal resistance features self-extinguishing capabilities equivalent to UL rating 94 V-O and a flash point of 480° F and self-ignition of 700° C.
  • Noxtat Sd Polycarbonate Sheet
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