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PTFE - Unsintered

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OVERVIEW of PTFE - Unsintered

Unsintered PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) film provides the inherent design features of ordinary sintered PTFE including exceptional chemical resistance, a temperature range of —450 F through +500 F, extremely low coefficient of friction and a non-stick surface, with the added advantages of greater conformability and a superior seal once it is incorporated into an assembly matrix and sintered in place. Used primarily as electrical insulation in wire and cable applications, unsintered PTFE is used for cable insulation, harness wrap and as the dielectric medium in coaxial lines. The material is also well suited for use in gaskets, expansion joints, valve seals/seats and diaphragms. Unsintered PTFE drapes over and fits the most complicated shapes, allowing it to fill the tightest corners and match the sharpest edges. Since this polymer is fibrillated the material possesses excellent tensile strength (2000 PSI nominal — on 2 mil material), concerns regarding line breakage during end-product manufacturing are alleviated.


  • Available in tape roll form in thickness ranging from .002 through .020 in. and widths ranging from 0.5 through 11 in.
  • Rolls are set on a standard three and six in. I.D. core and are provided up to 14 in. in overall roll diameter.
  • Unsintered PTFE is available in natural (white) and pigmented.
  • Also produced conductive for static dissipation and low-density (.4 to 1.6 g/cc) products.

    PTFE is an electrical insulator used in making high-grade cable and wire. PTFE tape is revered as a superior insulator for many qualities, including low dissipation, wide temperature tolerance, high-frequency stability, low smoke generation, resistance, dielectric constants and its resistance to flame, chemicals, solvents, moisture and volume. Sintered and unsintered PTFE tape are two of the three main types design engineers use in making cable and wire.

    Design and Manufacture
    Engineers produce sintered, or "full density," PTFE tape by compression molding a cylinder-shaped billet, heat sintering it in an oven and skiving the film off of it. Engineers produce unsintered PTFE tape by cold extruding a fine PTFE powder through a special die.

    Sintered PTFE tape has a specific gravity, or density, of 2.15 g/cm3, crystallinity of 50 to 70 percent, porosity of less that 1.0, matrix tensile strength of 20-30 Mpa and thermal conductivity of 0.2 Kcal/m-hr in degrees Celsius. Unsintered PTFE tape has a specific gravity, or density, of 1.5 g/cm3, crystallinity of 92 to 98 percent, porosity of less that 10, matrix tensile strength of 10-20 Mpa and thermal conductivity of under 0.2 Kcal/m-hr in degrees Celsius.

    Both unsintered and sintered PTFE tape have poor resistance to cold flow and excellent chemical resistance, but unsintered tape has poor abrasion resistance compared with the moderate abrasion resistance of sintered tape.

    Design engineers most commonly use PTFE tape for insulation of aircraft electronic equipment hookup wire for military and commercial uses. Engineers wrap unsintered PTFE tape around a conductor and then heat sinter it to produce potent electric wires with integrity, rigidity and uniform insulation. Engineers use unsintered PTFE tape to create high-speed data cables of superlative quality and with minimal signal loss.
  • Ptfe - Unsintered

  • Unsintered PTFE Properties

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