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$ 0.00
$ 0.00
    最小起訂: $25 USA, $150 Canada/Mexico/PR/VI, $250 International
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Professional Plastics


Ertalyte® PET-P 是一種未增強的半結晶熱塑性聚酯,其特點是具有最佳的尺寸穩定性、出色的耐磨性、低摩擦係數、高強度和對中等酸性溶液的耐受性。 Ertalyte® 能夠承受高負載和持久的磨損條件。 Ertalyte® PET-P 具有良好的耐化學性和耐磨性。其低吸濕性使機械和電氣特性幾乎不受水分影響。

另請考慮 Ertalyte TX - Ertalyte® TX 是 PET-P 的內部潤滑版本,與通用尼龍或乙縮醛相比,具有更強的耐磨性和惰性。


Ertalyte® PET-P 片材、棒材和零件提供:
  • 符合 FDA 標準
  • 吸濕性低
  • 高強度和剛性——非常適合精密公差零件
  • 優異的耐污性
  • 良好的耐磨性和出色的尺寸穩定性
  • 低摩擦係數。
  • 比尼龍或乙縮醛更好的耐酸性
  • Ertalyte® Pet-p

  • Ertalyte 數據表
  • 耐化學性概述
  • Ertalyte® TX
  • 無法找到你要找的是什麼?
    查看更多 PET-P /Ertalyte® 請求報價
    顧客評論 — Ertalyte®PET-P
    在......之外 5.0
    3 總評分
    3 共有評論
    Professional Plastics
    Megan said..
    Bountiful, UT

    We received this plastic on 1/20/22.
    Thank you, everything looked good.
    Keith said..
    Santa Maria, CA

    This product is the best PET material out there. We make some very difficult parts out of this material with stainless steel inserts in them, other PET material cracks at the insertion points very close to the edge where Ertalyte hangs in there every time. I would suggest it to anyone looking for a super strong durable solution to your plastic needs.
    Keith said..
    Santa Maria, CA

    This product is the best PET material out there. We make some very difficult parts out of this material with stainless steel inserts in them, other PET material cracks at the insertion points very close to the edge where Ertalyte hangs in there every time. I would suggest it to anyone looking for a super strong durable solution to your plastic needs. You have already earned it every time customer service is tops. Speed and accuracy each time I shop there. You guys are my go to for plastic
