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Anodizing & Plating Tanks

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Anodizing & Plating Tanks

Anodizing & Plating Tanks

— Anodizing and Plating Tanks and lines require corrosion-resistant plastic materials such as Polypropylene, PVC, Corzan CPVC, Kynar PVDF, Teflon PTFE, CP5, CP7D and others. Professional Plastics maintains a lwide variety of plastics materials used in the anodizing, plating & polishing processes. We also offer Plastic Welding Rods, Welding Guns, Welding Tips and accessories for constructions of plating tanks and lines.
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    Anodizing is an electrochemical conversion process that forms an oxide film, usually on aluminum, in an electrolyte (chemical solution). The aluminum parts are the anode (thus the term ôanodizing") and current is passed between them and a cathode, usually flat aluminum bars, through the above mentioned electrolyte (sulfuric acid is most commonly used). There are different types of anodize, most commonly referred to as Type I-Chromic Acid Anodize, Type II-Sulfuric Acid Anodize, and Type III Hard Anodize or Hardcoat from the Mil-A-8625 designation. Other less common types are phosphoric acid and titanium anodize.

    Electroplating is the process of applying one or more layers of a metal to a part by passing a positively charged electrical current through a solution containing dissolved metal ions (anode) and a negatively charged electrical current through your part to be plated (cathode). The history dates back to the ancient Egyptians who would coat metals and non-metals with gold or a process known as "gilding", the first known surface finish. Some metals apply more evenly than others, but the use of electricity means that the metal being deposited flows more easily to high current areas or the edges of a part. This tendency is especially pronounced on complex shapes or when trying to plate the inside or ID portion of a part.

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