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Injection Molding - Hot Runners

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Injection Molding - Hot Runners

Overview of Injection Molding - Hot Runners

— Injection molding is a manufacturing process for producing parts by injecting material into a mold. Injection molding can be performed with a host of materials, including metals, glasses, elastomers, confections, and most commonly thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. Material for the part is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and forced into a mold cavity, where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the cavity. After a product is designed, usually by an industrial designer or an engineer, molds are made by a moldmaker (or toolmaker) from metal, usually either steel or aluminum, and precision-machined to form the features of the desired part. Injection molding is widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts, from the smallest components to entire body panels of cars. Parts to be injection molded must be very carefully designed to facilitate the molding process; the material used for the part, the desired shape and features of the part, the material of the mold, and the properties of the molding machine must all be taken into account. The versatility of injection molding is facilitated by this breadth of design considerations and possibilities.

Professional Plastics operates two injection molding machines in our Ogden, Utah facility. We also sell plastic pellets used for injection-molding by our customers. As a specialist in high-performance materials, we also offer high-temperature materials used as thermal insulator nozzles in hot runners used within injection molding equipment. Those insulators are typically manufactured from Meldin® 7001 or Vespel® SP-1 Polyimide. Other options include Macor® machinable glass-ceramic, or Celazole® PBI thermoplastic.

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