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VMX Metal & X-Ray Detectable Plastics

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    Vmx Metal & X-ray Detectable Plastics

    Overview of VMX Metal & X-Ray Detectable Plastics

    — VMX Metal & X-Ray Detectable Plastics from MCAM - Engineered plastics with visual, metal, and x-ray detectability. Increase safety and efficiency with the VMX (Visual, Metal, X-Ray) portfolio. Our new VMX polymers enhance your food processing capabilities by bringing three-way detectability and dual food compliance (EU and FDA). The range includes four unique polymers - each tailored to meet different performance requirements. Better performance through a safety-first approach

    Food safety is the highest priority for processors and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). Your reputation is banked on it. Plastic contamination in a food product could mean food recalls, legal penalties, brand damage and even bankruptcy. That's why food safety is always at the top of MCAM's agenda when we develop engineering plastics for food contact applications. But we also know that OEMs and processors face further challenges. Food processing speeds continue to increase. This in turn causes increased stresses on equipment, leading to potential failure of components which can risk food contamination in the long run. In order to improve food processing safety, the need for components made from high-performing, detectable polymers has never been greater.

    Increase production efficiency with VMX polymers - A unique portfolio of materials for the globally evolving detection technology in food processing environments. Not only will these blue plastics with metal and x-ray detectability improve safety, but also help you to meet your sustainability targets and improve your production capabilities with:
  • Higher processing speeds - our plastics weigh 1/7th that of metals allowing for higher processing speeds.
  • Longer up-time - our materials are self-lubricating which leads to less wear and reduces need for lubrication.

    Links: VMX Family of Products - Product Brochure

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